Hey There
Many people are struggling to feel content in their own bodies due to a health concern that they can't seem to get under control. This could be feeling like you are dragging your feet all day long, struggling to lose or gain weight, having digestive issues, irregular periods, hormonal acne, and many others. This does not have to be the end of the story.
At Firm Foundation, the goal is to be able to equip your body to be able to address the original cause of these symptoms through whole food nutrition, supporting the detox pathways, movement, and lifestyle practices. When we prioritize the traditional way of living it is fascinating how the body can respond.
The goal is to equip you with the knowledge and understanding on how to support your individual body by reverting to the framework of our health through a functional foundations approach- and FINALLY become free from your ailments.
About Me
Hello! My name is Rachel Williamson and I am a Nutritional Therapy Practicioner. My goal is to teach others how they can become more in-tune with their body and encourage it to heal from the inside out, while also addressing the root cause of the issue. I gravitated toward a more natural-based lifestyle and nutrition focus because of my personal health journey. Growing up I had poor digestive health and struggled with hormonal acne and lost my cycle for several years. This caused me to search for answers and lead me to a natural approach to health. I began to focus on providing the tools for my body to be able to give it what it needed to heal. I have been able to find so much freedom in my health by addressing the foundations first, so my body can complete the tasks it knows how to do.
This is not just a profession but a passion. I currently am living in the country with 31 chickens and desire to one day live on a homestead and maybe have a picnic on some rolling hills. Whether I am spending time in the kitchen perfecting a recipe, learning how to sew, going on long walks, or hosting events with family and friends it's a lifestyle I have enjoyed. I have a passion to support others in experiencing this freedom. If you are struggling with your health I strongly believe there is a way out from the feeling of defeat. Let's tackle it together!